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1st International Congress of Neuropathology 1952


8th – 13th September 1952
Il Palazzo Barberini
Rome, Italy

‘During the first five days of the Congress the most important and actual problems of neuropathology were presented and discussed by the most competent personalities in the field of neuropathology: the pathology of demyelinating diseases, the pathology of cerebral vascular diseases, the pathology of schizophrenia, the pathology of mental deficiencies, the pathology of old age.


Of a particular importance was the third day, dedicated to the pathology of schizophrenia, as for the first time in the history of Psychiatry and Pathological Anatomy, this problem was taken in consideration at a Congress with the participation of scientists from all over the world. On the sixth day of the Congress there were free discussions dedicated to the topics of the official reports.’


– from the Proceedings of the First International Congress of Neuropathology, 1952


Documents from the ISN Archive:

Proceedings of 1st ICN Sept 1952 Rome

1st ICN Programme part 1

1st ICN Programme part 2

List of Participants

Il Palazzo Barberini – congress venue

Highlighted photos:

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